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‘Just in Case’ at Easter ?

Easter is a time for gifts of Easter eggs and chocolates. It is also the time to remember the greatest gift that was given – the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for your sins and mine.

In a recent episode of Eli Stone when he was struggling with his gift of visions and querying why it had been given to him when sometimes it caused him nothing but trouble. he was told, ‘A gift is something that is given. You don’t own it. The world does.’

That’s basically the message of Easter. The gift Jesus gave at that first Easter by laying down his life on the cross was because he knew it was the only way we could be saved from God’s wrath and be God’s friends again. Provided we believe in what Jesus has done for us, of course.

Recently in a shop, my husband overheard this conversation.

‘Why do Catholics believe Jesus is the Son of God?’ on man said to another. ‘The bible doesn’t say that.’

Actually it does! And it’s not just Catholics that believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

The man querying this had obviously never read the bible. Take a look at Matthew 3:17, Matthew 14:33, Mathew 16:16, Mathew 17:5, Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22, Luke 9:35, John 1:14, John 1:18, John 1:34, John 3:16-18, John 3:35-36, John 5:19-23, John 11:4, Romans 1:4. There are myriad other verses that testify to Jesus as the Son of God. But don’t take my word for it. Get a concordance and bible and look them up yourself.

The man then went on to say ‘But you’ve got to believe haven’t you? Just in case.’

Just in case? That doesn’t sound like belief to me, more wishful thinking or hedging his bets.

This Easter will you be one of those who go to church, ‘just in case?’ That’s not going to cut it with God. God has laid down the conditions clearly in John 3:16-18. God loved the world so much he sent His Son, ‘that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.’ But then in verse 18 it goes on to say, ‘He who believes in Him (being Jesus) is not judged. He who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.’

The choice to believe or continue in wishful thinking is yours. So are the consequences of your choice.

Bible verses from the New American Standrd Version
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