In John 4 we saw Jesus piqued the Samaritan woman’s curiosity and how it was a good example for us to use in evangelism. In verse 13 Jesus tells her He has something she really wants, something precious. In Middle Eastern countries water was a precious and familiar commodity. But Jesus lets her know this is not just any ordinary water He is talking about, verse 14. The woman is drawn in. She wants what Jesus has.
As Christians, we need to let our friends and neighbors see we have something they could do with, something they need. Something that will help them cope with situations, as it helps us cope. Something that will bring joy to their lives as it does to ours. Is that the picture your non Christian friends get when they look at your life and mine? It should be. They should want to know the secret of our contentment and want what we have.
Jesus knowing her situation, tells her to call her husband. She realizes then He is more than just a man, He is a prophet, verses 16-19. She wants to know more. She thirsts to know, verse 20. She wants answers and Jesus is just the person to provide them, verses 21-24.
The woman share what she knows of the Messiah or Christ, verse 25. At this point Jesus who did not reveal Himself clearly to many, reveals Himself to her. He tells her plainly that He is the Messiah, the Christ, verse 26. No parable, no hints just straight out with the facts and the woman believes. How do we know? We know because she goes running back to the town to tell everyone, verses 28-29. Many come to believe because of her words.
They invite Jesus to stay and He does, verse 40. When they hear his teaching many more believed. They discovered for themselves who Jesus is. It was no longer second hand knowledge.
Our friends and neighbors might initially want we what we have but in the end they need to come to know Jesus themselves. Are you inviting them to church or places where they will learn more about Jesus or helping them read the Bible so they will come to know Him?
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