Do you ever fell as though you might be in a Dali landscape? Picking up the house can be quite an adventure when you have a husband and three children. And while I have yet to find any melting watches around, I have found plenty of melting crayons.
My home always looks the worse for wear after the weekend. This is because the weekend tend to be a time to relax, to play, to work on home projects and to dash out of the door without first cleaning up. This is really a nice way of saying that my family destroys any sense of order in the home from Friday evening until Monday morning.
I usually spend Mondays and Tuesdays trying to escort things back to their rightful places, clean up hidden spills that got covered up by a library book or someone’s shirt, collect stray articles of clothing and hunt down the Cherrios that slip unseen under the baseboard heater.
I thought that for this week, I would make a true list of some of the stranger items that I have come across.
One teaspoon in the downstairs bathroom. I don’t want to contemplate how the spoon ended up there.
Guaranteed no-mess toddler paint (in those little character balls) spilled all over the dining room table (This is actually a weekday mess, since I let them paint while I was cleaning up).
One small multicolored calculator in dryer. It still works.
A single one of my husband’s dress socks in the family room. This is made more strange by the fact that my husband did not wear dress socks all weekend.
Melted crayon stuck to the wall. I am guessing that the crayon melted itself in the baseboard heat and an enterprising child tried to take advantage of its gooey melted-ness.
A rock shaped like a potato in the vegetable bin. At least I can be proud that my children have sorting skills.
Have you ever found anything strange around your house?
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog and caring for little ones in the Baby Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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