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Helping Your Family Adjust to Your New Calling

When you receive a new calling there is a period of time in which you adjust to the new calling and the demands that it puts on you. However there are some callings that are more demanding than others. Additionally these callings may take up so much of your time that your entire family has to adjust to the calling. Here are some tips to help you and your family adjust to the calling.

First set up some boundaries about time that will always be just family time. It is important that you make sure that your family time does not get lost as you adjust to your new schedule. Set aside at least one other night besides Monday nights that you will focus on your family. This means that you won’t schedule meetings or visits during this period.

Second take the time to listen to you children when they speak to you. You may need to set up times when your children know that it is not a time to talk to you so that you can get everything done that you need to. Other than that make sure that your children know that they are very important to you and that you are paying attention to them.

When possible involve your children in your calling. There are many aspects of callings that should not involve children, but your children can benefit from helping you out when possible. They can help to make handouts, or with service in a home. They can go along on certain visits (such as welcome visits) or help with the set up of activities. This can help your children learn and understand the meaning of service.

Finally be sure that you are also addressing the needs of your spouse. He or she is sacrificing a lot to support you in a busy calling. It is important to remember to say thank you. It is also important to still have a date night once a week with your spouse so that you can continue to strengthen this relationship while you serve in a busy calling.

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