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Who’s Choice is It?

Sometimes we think that we are the ones who have the choice. We choose to believe in God or we don’t. After we become a Christian, we can sometimes look back and see how God has been leading us to that point.

Paul tells us in Philippians 1:6 that it is God ‘who began a good work in you,’ and that He is the one who will bring it to completion. So God is the one who began our spiritual journey, and He did it long before we even knew we were on a journey. Even before we realized what was lacking on our lives and that we were looking for God, God had reached out to turn us towards Himself.

Another Scripture tells us, ‘God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth,’ 2 Thessalonians 2:13. Not any truth, ‘the truth,’ John 14:6.

Just as God knew the plans He had for His people Israel and despite mankind’s best attempts they have not been and will not be thwarted, Jeremiah 29:11, so God knows the plans He has for us.

Sometimes as we look back at our lives and the choices we have made, we might wish we could change past decisions. I know I do. We see things we’ve done wrong or how we could have done things better. But thankfully God doesn’t keep a record of our past mistakes and sins. We can take comfort that despite our sins and mistakes, God chose us. And God will continue to work in us and work out His purposes in our lives.

Since God is the One at work in us we can be confident of three things.

1. The work God has started in us, God will bring it to completion, Philippians 1:6.

2. ‘God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God,’Romans 8:28. That means even our sins and mistakes can be worked by God into a beautiful tapestry of life.

3. Flowing from the good work God is doing in us, will be the good works that we can do for God’s kingdom and to help others. So let us co-operate with God. Let us step out to do those good works God has prepared for us, Ephesians 2:10, aware that they will only be a shadow of what He has already done in us, but still they may help someone else in their spiritual journey and reveal God to them.

Bible verses from The New American Standard Version

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