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Celebrating Our Pioneer Heritage

July is a month where I always think about my pioneer ancestors. The pioneers sacrificed to come across the plains and to establish the church in Utah. All of the early members of the church made significant sacrifices to help to establish the church. It had to be difficult to leave your family, your home and everything you knew to go to a new place and start over. With travel conditions being so difficult, most people realized that they may never see their families again.

In Utah there is a state holiday that celebrates these sacrifices, but for everyone living outside of Utah Pioneer Day may go by unnoticed. You can incorporate these lessons into your family home evening lessons and ward activities so that everyone can remember the sacrifices made by the pioneers.

However it is also important to remember that there are still pioneers within the church. The first member in any family is a pioneer of sorts. They are forging the way to share the gospel with their family. At times their sacrifices may be just as significant as older pioneers. Family may disown them, they may lose their employment and other sacrifices may be made in order to join the church. While they may not face such difficult circumstances often family members still struggle with the changes in lifestyle and priorities that are part of becoming a member of the church.

It is as just important to remember these modern day pioneers as we celebrate the pioneer spirit this month. Take the time to encourage the pioneers who are currently living in your ward. Reach out a hand of fellowship. Learn about them and become friends. It is much easier to be a pioneer if you have support from somewhere. If you are a many generations member or a modern day pioneer, you can still reach out to new members.

Related Articles:

Modern Day Pioneers

Family Home Evening: Pioneers

Sacrifice and Pioneers