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Overwhelmed with Your Genealogy?

Once you get started with your genealogy you may begin to feel overwhelmed. There is so much research to do, and you can continue to go back for generations. It can be overwhelming because each generation you go back creates a new line to research. The tree branches out backwards and forwards from you. If you find yourself overwhelmed here are some tips to help you break down your research.

First you should focus on one family line at a time. This should be specific, such as your father’s father’s line. Then set a goal of how far you want to go back before you move onto another line. This may be five or six generations or until you hit a wall. Then you will move on and do your mother’s father’s line. You can continue to do this until you have completed all the lines to that point and start again. You may also want to do your spouse’s genealogy this way as well, especially if you are doing it for your family.

If you are stuck, seek out help. Visit a local family history center or go online to a forum for help. You may want to find the genealogy society in your area or in the area that you are looking to ask for additional clues and help. They may already have done a lot of the research, and can help you through it. They may also know a peculiarity about the record keeping in a specific region.

Talk to other family members to see if they have done any research as well. You may look for organizations that are built around one of your family lines. This can aid you in completing that work. You may also find someone who can translate records in other languages for you this way.

If you have done everything you know to do, and sought outside help, and still cannot complete the work you may consider hiring a genealogist to do the work for you. Before you do this you need to set up expectations in pay and work expected. The genealogist should have an estimate on how much the project will cost, and how long it will take to complete.

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Why Do Genealogy?

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