Bartering is a wonderful method that can really save you money and allow you to afford goods and services that might otherwise not be available to you. When you barter, you can help your family and help someone else at the same time. Here is some things you should know that will help get you started.
First, look around at what you might need in a new light. Instead of figuring out how to save up for it or do it yourself, think about how you can barter or trade for it. Do you need job coaching advice, babysitting, your living room painted? Maybe you need a new bed, a swingset for the backyard, some firewood, kids toys or a landscaper. Practically anything can be bartered if you know how to approach it.
Next, make a list of the goods and services that you may have to trade. Can you cook and provide freezer meals, run errands, write a resume, decorate, clean houses, repair a front walk, put in a garden, help with homework, teach computer skills or cut hair? Do you have goods to pass along, such as furniture, tools, baby clothes, appliances, trees and shrubs, curtains, a bike or sports equipment?
After you have a clear sense of want you need and what you can offer, then it is time to advertise and connect with other people who would like to barter with you. First, start with the people around you, such as family, friends and neighbors. This is a good place to start, since you probably already know their skills and needs.
The next place to look is at the professional services that you normally use anyway. Would the person who cuts your hair be willing to do it for free in exchange for baby sitting or a clean house, for example? Would the landscaper take your unused ladder set in exchange for part of the bill? Most small businesses and individuals are usually pretty open to bartering.
Finally, you can advertise to others in your community. Post a notice at your church, supermarket, school or community center. Advertise on Craigslist. There is actually a classified section there for bartering.
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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