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Getting Teens to Dress Conservatively for School

I realize that this subject is interpretable and perhaps a bit controversial, but the way teens dress for school really does affect their education.

Take for instance, the Cobb County GA Teen who liked to wear women’s clothes to school and the disruption that three days in skinny jeans caused.

While most teens don’t go nearly this far to express their personal style, they do love to push boundaries, and they often push them too far. Just five years ago, low rise jeans for girls were pushed to the extreme. It was common for girls to wear these jeans to school with their thong underwear completely visible above the top of the jeans. Male teachers everywhere were left in a quandary… where were they supposed to look? Fortunately the waist line on jeans is starting to rise, but will boys ever pull up their pants and wear a belt? It seems that this has been in style since I was in college and that was a LONG time ago!

It is no wonder schools are taking an active role in mandating wardrobe rules.

Many schools have jumped on the bandwagon in getting kids to dress more appropriately for school. Some have no-skin (mid drift) rules, others mandate business like attire. Others have uniforms.

At Evanston Township High School, administrators stop students who come to school wearing tank tops or jeans that sag low, said Kathy Miehls, director of public relations.

“We think students should have the same attitude about school as they do about employment,” said Evergreen Park High School District Superintendent M. Elizabeth Hart.

Rainey instituted what he calls Dress for Success days, where the students are forced to wear business professional attire: button-down shirts and ties for the boys, dressy slacks, skirts and blazers for the girls.

From “Teens told to dress for success”

While it is helpful for schools to make rules, I would be best if parents were to step in and institute dress codes for their own children. Personally, I demand my kids keep their mid-drifts covered. Belt’s are mandatory in my house. Sure I have to buy alot of belts as they “lose” them, but both my boy and my girl look so much nicer with their behinds tucked neatly into their pants. We have other rules about shirts and skirt length that are conservative without being extreme. We are not offended by knees and shoulders, we just believe personal areas should be kept personal.

As a parent it is your job to decide how much of your child you want to the world to see. Sure, arguing with your teen over clothing is no fun and it can be easier to say, they are just trying to express themselves. Still, at the end of the day, you are in control over how your child looks, if they are a distraction in school, and if they are taken seriously by their teachers. At the end of the day, if you control the pocket book you should be making most of the fashion decisions.

~If you liked this you should also read my other posts at the home blog, the homeschooling blog, the parents blog, and the frugal blog. You can read my recent posts here. Also read:

Parents Please Teach Your Teens to be Leaders

Why I Keep My Teens on a Short Leash

Parents as Fashion Police