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Confessions of a Foodie Mom: It was the Best of Times, it was the Worst of Times…

This week I finally dropped below the level where I’d plateaued for so long…and then, according to this morning’s scale, I put four pounds back on. In four days.

I know that weight can vary by a couple of pounds just depending on whether you’re dehydrated or not, so I’m trying not to panic, but a four-pound gain does—and should—get my attention a bit better than a two-pound gain.

It’s been a few weeks since I made time in my schedule to write everything down. I did, this week, fulfill the resolution I made to my diet group to spend a couple of hours preparing healthy foods on the Good Mood Diet Plan. Meaning, I spent a few hours shopping, hard-boiling eggs, putting bulk dried fruit in individual-size serving bags, making a diet recipe ahead of time, putting some breakfast bars in the car for “emergencies”.

I am justly proud of myself for doing this, and I know I would be in even worse shape had I not done it. But what went wrong with the weight?

My husband has been working overseas this week. Our youngest daughter gets “off-the-wall” when he’s gone. He’s always been better at calming her down than I am. Throw in four doctor/physical therapist appointments and the fact that my kids’ schools have decided to observe the Veterans’ Day holiday on different dates, and it’s been a very rough week—malfunctioning alarm clocks, printer jams and all.

I’m becoming more and more aware of how much I overeat emotionally. I’ve never been gorged myself, but it’s just that snacking has been a habit I’ve turned to under stress. I literally found myself in the kitchen when I had no memory of having gotten up from the computer.
I am trying to replace that habit with a better one. I am trying to tell myself that I break to take a walk to look out the window . (When the leaves are off the trees, we can see a tiny glimpse of the lake.) I also stashed some tea bags in my room. When the kids are arguing, I can go take a deep breath and have a soothing smell rather than a soothing bite.

Mastering emotional eating is more critical than ever now. One night I found my nine-year-old explaining that she “just had to eat the candy to calm down”. Yikes! Getting my own act together is probably the best help I can be to her right now. That means taking care of myself through sleep and exercise, and through eating a healthy, “Good-Mood” diet.

I hope you all have a good week.

To read more about weight management challenges during a tough week, read Mary Ann’s blog:

Sleep, Flu and Chinese Food

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About Pam Connell

Pam Connell is a mother of three by both birth and adoption. She has worked in education, child care, social services, ministry and journalism. She resides near Seattle with her husband Charles and their three children. Pam is currently primarily a Stay-at-Home-Mom to Patrick, age 8, who was born to her; Meg, age 6, and Regina, age 3, who are biological half-sisters adopted from Korea. She also teaches preschoolers twice a week and does some writing. Her activities include volunteer work at school, church, Cub Scouts and a local Birth to Three Early Intervention Program. Her hobbies include reading, writing, travel, camping, walking in the woods, swimming and scrapbooking. Pam is a graduate of Seattle University and Gonzaga University. Her fields of study included journalism, religious education/pastoral ministry, political science and management. She served as a writer and editor of the college weekly newspaper and has been Program Coordinator of a Family Resource Center and Family Literacy Program, Volunteer Coordinator at a church, Religion Teacher, Preschool Teacher, Youth Ministry Coordinator, Camp Counselor and Nanny. Pam is an avid reader and continuing student in the areas of education, child development, adoption and public policy. She is eager to share her experiences as a mother by birth and by international adoption, as a mother of three kids of different learning styles and personalities, as a mother of kids of different races, and most of all as a mom of three wonderful kids!