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Berry Yoghurt Dessert

While I thoroughly enjoyed the movie Julie and Julia, two things stood out to me. One, is don’t go and see this movie before a meal or if you’re on a diet, the emphasis on food is sure to make you feel even hungrier.

The second thing I thought was what a lot of fuss went into some of the recipes and I couldn’t see myself doing that. I’m very much a no fuss cook, which is why the recipe I’m going to give you today appeals to me. It has few ingredients, is easily made, and tastes beautiful. What more could you ask for? But don’t take my word for it. Try it.

Berry Yoghurt Dessert


I packet raspberry or strawberry jelly

1 cup boiling water

1 cup strawberries, boysenberries, raspberries, or blueberries (If you can’t get fresh berries then you can use frozen mixed berries)

1 and half cups of your favorite berry low fat yoghurt


Combine jelly and boiling water in a bowl and stir till crystals are dissolved. Allow to cool but do not set at this point.

Puree berries in a blender.

Add yogurt and cooled jelly

Mix all ingredients together well.

Pour into individual dishes. It looks particularly nice in individual clear glass dishes. Decorate each one with fresh strawberries, raspberries or blueberries.

If you like you can also substitute peaches or apricots with a peach jelly and peach yoghurt of you like. I admit though, having tasted it with berries, I’d find it hard to go past the berry version.

The only proviso with this dessert is that it needs to be made on the day it is to be used. But considering how easy it is to make, that’s hardly a chore.

I’d be surprised if this doesn’t become a family favorite. And of course the added advantage is, it is gluten free.

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