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Homeschool Groups and Resources in Iowa A-H

Involvement with other homeschoolers is very important to a family’s success in homeschooling. Joining a homeschool network or support group in your area will make a difference in your homeschooling journey. You can find homeschooling groups as well as many homeschooling classes, and programs that your students can enjoy. In this series, we are covering homeschool groups and resources across the country. This installment will cover Iowa homeschool groups and resources, A-H.

Catholic Home School Association of Omaha provides iformation and referral for Catholic parents who want to home school in the Omaha area. It is a place for members of the Catholic Homeschool Association of Omaha to share news and information.

Cedar Rapids / Marion Area Homeschool This is a Christian onlibne Yahoo Group for homeschoolers in the Marion area.

Central Iowa Christian Home Educators This is a group of homeschoolers based in Marshall County, Iowa. They are pretty close to Marshalltown and its surrounding communities.

Chewsloop This is a very active online homeschool group for members of the Iowa. This christian homeschool group is called C.H.E.W.S.

ChIC_homeschoolers This is an Iowa City area group of Christian homeschool families. The groups overall mission is to
encourage parents to train up their children in a manner pleasing to Jesus Christ and to equip them with a Biblical worldview.

Christian Home education Alliance of Dubuque CHAD is a mixture of Protestant and Catholic families who homeschool in the Dubuque, Iowa area.

Christian Homeschoolers of Iowa County CHIC provides support, education and fellowship for Christian families in Iowa County who have made the decision to educate their children at home.

Columbus Academy Catholic Homeschool Support Group This Des Moines based homeschool groups and website is the essential source for members of Columbus Academy, including calendar of events, newsletters, key contact information, conference information and much more.

Christian Home Educators Fellowship This Iowa City group provides support to parents who choose or who are interested in the home instruction of their children. This group provides support through prayer, sharing and exchange of information and materials, sharing practical advice and concerns, and small group accountability.

Heritage Home Educators is a yahoo based group devoted to communication between active members of Heritage Home Educators of Knoxville, Iowa.

Home Grown Educators is an Iowa based Christian group that includes Coop classes.

Homes With Heart And CM Des Moines Central Iowa Homeschooling mothers encouraging one another and supporting each other through monthly meetings, and who use Charlotte Mason methods in their homeschooling. If you live near the Des Moines area and would like to attend our meetings, please email the site owner.

Homeschool-Iowa This is an online yahoo discussion group for topics related to homeschooling in Iowa.

Homeschooling Under God’s Supervision (HUGS) This is a Christian support group for homeschoolers in central Iowa based out of Ankeny, IA. This group offers monthly art class, field trips, connections to gym class, lunch n’ lit program, joy singers, tae kwon do and much more.

~If you liked this you should also read my blogs at the home blog, the parents blog, and the frugal blog. You can read my recent posts here.

Also read:

Homeschooling in Iowa

District Puts Breaks on Diplomas for Homeschoolers

* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?