When it comes to things like produce, buying out of season is a no-no. First of all, the produce is generally not very good quality in the off season, and as importantly, the prices tend to be incredibly high. Most fruits and vegetables are higher quality and more readily available during warmer months and should be avoided during winter, when you may want to opt for canned fruits.
School supplies should also be purchased “in season.” You can usually purchase notebook paper, folders, binders, spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, scissors, glue, and crayons at very low prices as a new school year approaches. The prices of these items increase dramatically as your child gets further into the year, with many of these same items doubling or tripling in price.
Crayons, notebooks, and glue sticks that were four for $1.00 in August cost $1.00 each by January. It pays to stock up on school supplies during the big back to school sale. Backpacks are an exception to the rule. Backpacks are one of the few school items that tend to go on sale at different times. They are generally the cheapest when the beginning of a new school year is far off.
This is also true of clothing, shoes, jackets, and many different types of sporting gear. The off season is the best time to get big discounts on these types of purchases. Winter coats and snow boots are cheap during the summer while bathing suits and flip-flops tend to be deeply discounted as cooler weather approaches. Just purchase these items a size or two bigger than what you’re children wear now and hold onto them until needed.
Knowing when to buy the things you and your family need is just as important as knowing what and where to buy, if you want to save money.