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What Homeschooling Has Taught Me

I began homeschooling because I felt I had no other choice. My children that seemed exceedingly bright to me, and others who would comment were not thriving in school. I knew I had to do something different.

In my quest to teach my kids all about math, reading comprehension, grammar, history, and science, I learned a lot more. Here are some of the things homeschooling taught me.

1. Homeschooling taught me that my kids are my responsibility. This might seem like a no-brainer, but these days we are programmed to hand our kids over to schools and care centers and to only be responsible to pay their expenses. Homeschooling helped me to change my mentality about who is responsible for my kids and helped me to feel comfortable in making decisions for them that might be against the mainstream.

2. Homeschooling taught me that kids’ feelings and opinions should be valued. I have done a bit of listening to my kids over the years that I have been homeschooling. That have shown me that they understand things on a level that I had never imagined and have provided input that sometimes my elders cannot provide. By listening to them and valuing their opinions, they feel validated and are much happier people.

3. Homeschooling showed me my own potential. The fact that I have been able to teach my kids with and without the help of instructors has been liberating and had boosted my confidence. It has made me think past my limited time as a homeschooling mom to a time when I would be working toward my own personal goals and aspirations. After homeschooling, I feel that there is nothing out of my reach.

How The Economy Has Changed Homeschooling

A Day in the Life of a Relaxed Homeschooler with Teens

If I Could Start Over Again, Thoughts from a homeschool veteran