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Calling in My Assistant Dog Wranglers

As much of a handful as my dogs can be at times, I’m mostly able to take care of them without too much extra help. But this April, I’ll need the dog care backup team to take care of Moose and Lally for me.

In case you don’t follow the Health Blog, here’s a quick recap: I’ll be having a hysterectomy thanks to some rather sizable fibroids (one is the size of a mandarin orange, one is the size of a football). The surgery requires a three to four day hospital stay, plus a grand total of ten days with staples keeping the incision closed. I’ll be on restricted activity for six weeks — no lifting anything above ten pounds.

Thankfully, I’ve got great friends who are willing to step up and help out with dog care.

While I’m in the hospital and once I’m home recovering, my roommate M. will be doing the dog walking and feeding. (He’s also done dog care for me while I’ve been away.) I’m very grateful to have a roommate who cares about the dogs almost as much as I do! I know Moose and Lally will be in good hands.

Other friends have volunteered to come and make sure the pups get their daily dose of cuddles. One of my coworkers from the cats-only boarding facility has offered to come and sleep over at the apartment while I’m in the hospital — so the dogs have someone to share the bed with. I think that’s incredibly sweet! I know she loves the dogs (and loves napping with them).

It’s not easy to be away from my fur-family. Moose and Lally are my nearly-constant companions! I think I’ll be kind of lonely without them in the hospital… but I’m glad they won’t be too lonely without me there!