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Miracle Worker

Sometimes we can be blind to the things God is doing in our world. You often hear people say, ‘If God is so powerful, why doesn’t He do something? Why doesn’t He act in the world and change things?’ You might have even made such comments yourself at times. We might wonder why God doesn’t work miracles as he did in Bible times.

Let me assure you He does. Often we just don’t hear about it. But this morning some information came from the Bible Society and it clearly shows God is still at work in the world and still in the miracle business. Thirty-four years ago it was illegal to even own a bible in China. Today one company in Nanjing has printed more than 70 million bibles. Over 80 percent of these bibles will be distributed in China. This is the largest bible producing facility in the world.

For those in Australia Channel 7 is running a program titled ‘Made in China; the bible.’ It will screen on Good Friday. April 2 at 12.30pm. So if you want to see God at work in our world, have a look.

To think that a country that was held under the power of Communism and where bibles were once illegal, yet now they are being printed and distributed there is just one practical example of God at work. Is it a miracle though? I believe it is. God has intervened and changed the situation so that people His Son died for, are receiving the hope and help they need for daily living.

Maybe there is someone near you, a friend or relative or neighbor who is in desperate need of meeting the miracle working, life changing God. Perhaps this Easter you could invite them to church or give them the gift of a bible.

In our local community on the South Coast of NSW, churches in the area have joined together to ensure that in the next two days 4500 copies of ‘The Essential Jesus,’ Luke’s gospel are being distributed into homes. Inside the books are leaflets giving times of Easter church services in the area.

I, for one look forward to what God is going to do and the miracle He is going to work in this area as people meet with Him through His Word. Will you pray with me for God to work miracles in hearts and lives this Easter?

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