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Preview of the Terrible Twos?

Lily will be 17 months old on May 2. Our friends always comment on how sweet and quiet she is, and, truthfully, she is a very sweet little girl who rarely causes trouble. However, yesterday she really decided to flex her toddler muscles.

The morning started out OK. She ate oatmeal with butter and some blueberries. We’ve found this is the best method of hiding her laxative. Simply cut the pill into tiny pieces and embed them in the berries. From that point forward, however, she was a little devil.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I take her to the library for story time. She has a few friends there and loves Ms. Amy, the lady who reads the stories. Normally, she is very content to sit and listen to the different stories. Yesterday, though, she would not sit still and took it upon herself to reorganize the entire children’s DVD catalog. Normally, I am able to keep her collateral damage to a minimum, but this time I was no match. I didn’t even know she could move that fast.

Lunch was another adventure. My wife works from home on Wednesday and joins us for lunch. Usually, she eats something healthy like an apple or a banana, but yesterday of all days, she decided to eat a chocolate chip cookie… right in front of Lily. Now, Lily has only had chocolate chip cookies once in her life, and it had been a while. Apparently, though, she has been craving them ever since, because she threw all of her food on the floor and started yelling “Cookie! Cookie!” This theme continued at dinner.

She absolutely refused to eat or drink anything unless it was followed up by a bite of chocolate chip cookie. We anguished over the ramifications of giving in to her demands. However, our ploy worked, because she eventually began eating her food sans cookies. However, she would only eat if she thought it came from our plate. So my wife had to literally take food off Lily’s plate when she wasn’t looking, put it onto her own plate, and then give it back to her. All in a day’s work I guess.

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