In part one I talked about the interview I had with season four contestant, Neil Tejwani and the journey he took that led him to the “Biggest Loser.” This blog continues with that interview.
Neil shared a great quote from Albert Einstein that I believe can be inspiring for everyone. It is: “Within every difficulty lies an opportunity.”
Neil shared that one of the biggest things he learned from being on the “Biggest Loser” was that people can underestimate the power of their strength and determination to accomplish what they purpose to do. If you apply yourself to something and believe that at some point it will happen, you can do it. I really think it comes down to believing in you.
Before going on the “Biggest Loser,” Neil was a chemical engineer. His life has taken a complete turn and now his life’s work is to share his experiences and help others conquer their fears. He is a motivational speaker who never turns away someone asking for help.
When Neil began researching more into fitness and weight loss, he discovered that 95% of people who lose a significant amount of weight end up putting it back on and then some. He works hard to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Check out his website, Neilz Health World, for more on what he is doing to reach out and help others.
As we wrapped up our conversation, I asked Neil what advice he would give to readers who are struggling to lose weight and get healthy. He said to never stop fighting the good fight. Everyone will experience times where you fall off the wagon. You might make poor food choices or fail to get in some exercise but you can still change something the next day, the next week and so on.
We also talked about that issue we are probably all familiar with. Most of us know someone who can eat and eat and never gain a pound. Neil said that he used to get very frustrated about that. One day he was watching a friend just eat and drink away and suddenly instead of feeling frustrated, he felt bad for him. This person was coasting through life. He didn’t understand what it was like to struggle, but Neil did. He knew that every time he faced a struggle and conquered it, he was ready to face the next one.
Those who coast through life, no matter what area it may be in don’t learn how to be prepared for that unplanned crisis. As Neil said, you become more prepared the next time life throws you a curveball. The person who falls down 100 times but gets up for the 101st time is the one who will be victorious.
I end with these words from Neil, “Take a step back, identify your struggles and your difficulties…don’t shy away from them but embrace them to make your own success story.”
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