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Dealing With Aches and Pains

Aches and pains are pretty common during pregnancy. They are so common that it’s unusual if you don’t have them. Headaches, backaches and sore hips and joints pretty much come with the territory. The tricky part is dealing with the pain in such a way that will not present any risk to the baby. You may have popped two or three Ibuprofen before you were pregnant, but it’s no longer so simple. While some over the counter pain relievers, such as Acetaminophen, are perfectly safe during pregnancy, other common pain killers, like Aspirin, should be avoided. For those who want to avoid the use of drugs altogether, natural home remedies can sometimes offer relief.

Which OTC drugs are safe?

Acetaminophen can be taken during all three trimesters. Expectant moms should be careful to follow dosing instructions carefully and inform their doctor of all OTC medications they are taking, including Acetaminophen, which is the active ingredient in Tylenol. Ibuprofen and naproxen are safe to use during the first two trimesters, but should be avoided during the final trimester, since it can lead to excess bleeding during delivery. Aspirin should not be taken, unless prescribed by a doctor for conditions such as preeclampsia, due to the risk for heavy bleeding.

What are some natural alternatives?

Be wary of natural remedies in the form of topical ointments or pills, since even natural herbs can present risks to pregnant moms and their babies. A lot of pain in pregnancy results from tension in the muscles and loose tendons and joints. It is possible to significantly reduce aches and pains simply by allowing tired muscles to relax and taking the pressure off sore joints. A great way to accomplish this is through water therapy. Soaking in a warm bath or wading through a pool can help by creating a weightless environment for you to relax in. The heat from a warm bath can also help to loosen tight muscles. You can also use heat and cold to relieve aches and pains with heating pads and cold packs. Wheat bags are flexible in that they can be chilled in the freezer or warmed in the microwave.

How do you handle your pregnancy related aches and pains?

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About Kim Neyer

Kim is a freelance writer, photographer and stay at home mom to her one-year-old son, Micah. She has been married to her husband, Eric, since 2006. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater, with a degree in English Writing. In her free time she likes to blog, edit photos, crochet, read, watch movies with her family, and play guitar.