Balance Benders are a line of workbooks by The Critical Thinking Company. Always known for fun and quality, The Critical Thinking Company does not disappoint with this math logic problem series of workbooks called Balance Benders. If your children love to solve puzzles or logic problems this is the perfect workbook. You can use these workbooks to enhance your child’s understanding of logic and algebra. Your child will work his way through this book solving balance problems by identifying and using the clues shown. Each book contains 48 pages and costs only $9.99. The beginning level is directed for grades 2-6, level one for grades 4-12+, levels two for grades 6-12+, and level 3 for grades 8-12+.
This is a workbook that parents and kids will all enjoy.
I had the pleasure of reviewing the Beginners Level and Level one with my children. My 6th and 4th graders had a great time figuring out the problems. To be honest, as I looked through the pages and found that all the pages looked similar, I wondered if they would get bored. My fear was unfounded, as each had such a wonderful time figuring out the problems they never complained of boredom. Personally intrigued by the 12+, I decided to give it a try. I also had a blast balancing the scales. It became a fun game to see who could balance the scales the fastest.
I love math workbooks that encourage children to think outside of the box. Math is a subject that often feels like it has no real connection for kids. Kids wonder why they need to know more than how to add up the cost of buying two packs of gum or the amount of their allowance. While, Balance Benders is abstract, it is also hands on. Hands on activities help children visualize the nature of math. A child is then better equipped to handle new concepts or how to relate math in real terms and in real life. Most importantly, it shows how much fun math can be instead of a source of confusion, boredom or frustration.
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