Are you looking for ways to spend time as a family that does not involve the TV? It seems that TV viewing has become a family activity in many homes across America. While, watching TV in moderate proportions is not bad, it does not make a good “together” activity. Chances are during a TV show or a movie night, you are not sharing old memories, laughing together, or being creative. Why not spice things up a bit and allow all members to use their talents to come up with a very special family time together. Although not everyone shares the talent to scrapbook, everyone shares something they can contribute to this family project.
What you will need:
1. A scrapbook album the size of your choosing.
2. Pictures of a family vacation, holiday, birthday or other even that was special to all of you.
3. Embellishments, stickers, theme pack to match your event.
4. Plenty of scissors, paper cutters, and hole punchers for everyone.
5. Time. You may want to set a goal to complete one page a night for a week or spend less or more time depending on your family’s needs and interest.
Having your family help pick out the items is a nice idea if the members are interested. If you are trying this out on members who are unsure of this activity than provide the material up front as to not overwhelm.
1. Have each family member make one page of the scrapbook or make the pages together depending on age or interest. Feel free to instruct family members but allow a wide birth of freedom of expression. This is a family activity and it should express your family, flaws and all!
2. Plan a special snack and punch to add to the festivity.
3. Give small children paper, crayons, old reprints of pictures and such to “make their own” page that you can decide how to incorporate. That is much easier than saying “no” or continually instructing a little the whole night.
4. Have each family member write down a special memory of that event and add it to the scrapbook.