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Hearts, Diamonds, and Other Symbols

heart drawn in chalk Your family crest may contain symbols that are somewhat difficult to understand the meaning of. There may be hearts, crescents, crosses, and odd circular images. Each of these basic symbols comes in many different variations, each with a slightly different meaning. This is one of the challenges behind interpreting your coat of arms.

Once you have started to explore the meanings behind the images in your family crest you will realize why the practice of heraldry is considered to be a science. Each symbol may have more than one meaning, depending on the color, placement, type of object, or heritage of the family that the coat of arms is for. It can take a lot of time to research all of it. Fortunately, there are plenty of online resources that can you can scan through, as you search for the meaning of the symbols in your family crest.

Certain easily recognizable symbols that appear on a coat of arms mean precisely what one would expect. A heart means truth, sincerity, or charity. If the heart is on fire, it symbolizes intense, burning, affection, and a heart with nails through it represents poignant suffering. What most of us call a diamond is called a lozenge in heraldry. It represents constancy. A crescent, (or moon shape), that points upward represents “one who has been honored by the sovereign.” In English coats of arms, it also is used to represent a second son. If the crescent points a different direction, it might have a slightly different meaning. A sun means glory, splendor, or authority.

Crosses come in many forms, shapes, and colors, and will appear on the shield part of a coat of arms. In general, a cross represents faith. There are dozens of different kinds of shapes that a cross might take. The color of the cross has a certain meaning, as does the thickness of the cross, the shape of it’s edges, the placement of the cross, and the color of the background it sits on.

Circles have their own meanings. An annulet is a plain ring, symbolizing continuity. On English family crests, it can signify a fifth son. A baguette is a ring with a stone, and it symbolizes fidelity. A buckle represents protection. The wheel of a cart is the symbol of a cart maker. A chaplet is a green wreath of four or more roses, and it symbolizes fame. These are just a few variations of round symbols that may be on your coat of arms.

Image by Steve Faeembra on Flickr