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Learning from Reality Shows

If you have ever watched the television show “Wife Swap” you know that its based on taking two completely different types of families and swapping wives for two weeks. It can be pretty interesting to watch the collision of very different viewpoints.

For the first week the visiting mom has to follow that family’s rules but then the second week she gets to change the rules. Many times the rules have to do with parenting issues but they also tend to be about the way the household is run.

You get all kinds of families. You get families who believe in going natural and those who live by their modern conveniences. In some families cleanliness is supremely important but in other families it doesn’t really matter.

When it comes to housework you might see a family that works together, one where just the children do chores, or a family where either the husband or wife is solely responsible.

In some families you might see one person in particular working their butt off while the other one sits and relaxes. There are some interesting dynamics that happen when opposite lifestyles come together.

What typically happens at the end of the two weeks is that each family makes small changes. Most of the families don’t completely change their lifestyle. However they learn some lessons along the way that they end up implementing to better their lives.

While I wouldn’t want to put my life out there on the television screen, I do appreciate that others are willing to do it. There have been times when at the end of the show I have breathed a sigh of relief for my family and the way we do things. Then there have been other times when I
have gotten a new idea that would make the running of our household even better.

Shows like “Wife Swap”, “Hoarding: Buried Alive,” do-it-yourself shows or even cooking shows can be really helpful as you fine tune the art of running your household. While most of us are probably content with the way things are done it doesn’t hurt to hear some new ideas.

Take advantage of those opportunities and be willing to adjust things in your home. You just might find yourself learning from reality shows and finding a better way to do things.

Related Articles:

Should Everyone in Your Family Do Chores?

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How to Organize Your Child’s School Papers

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.