If you are pregnant with your first baby, you’re probably going to be given at least one baby shower by your friends or family. At least in my experience, almost everyone brings their gift in a gift bag instead of wrapping it in paper, which means you are going to go home with dozens of cute baby-themed gift bags. Don’t you dare throw them away, either… Gift bags are one of these things that can be easily reused.
The most obvious way to reuse a gift bag is to use it when giving a gift to someone else. I gently fold my gift bags flat and store them in one giant gift bag in my basement. Whenever I am invited to a baby shower, I go to the basement and “shop” for the perfect bag. Sometimes you might need to cut off the original tag and make a new one if your name is written inside.
Another way to recycle your gift bags is to use them for decoration in your baby’s room. Some bags are just too cute to toss. Take a pair of scissors and cut the front panel off the bag. Cut it to fit inside a frame and hang it up on your baby’s nursery wall.
Gently used gift bags are a cute way to pass on items to friends. If you are sending guests home with leftovers or you are lending a friend your maternity clothes, pack them in a gift bag instead of a plastic grocery bag. It looks a lot nicer and it’s sturdy, too.
If you have gift bags that have been wrinkled or creased too much to frame or pass on to someone else, use them to organize your closet. Gift bags make great containers for items like mittens, scarves, slippers, lingerie, and pretty much anything else that will fit. They look nice on your closet shelf, as opposed to just stacking up piles of loose items. They are also ideal for storing off season clothes just about anywhere.