Sometimes, you have to spend a little more now to save money in the long run. That was a hard thing for me to learn, especially since I was raised to spend as little as possible. Bulk shopping wasn’t really “in” when I was little, but it has grown more and more popular. Sometimes it can be a very good way to save money, especially when purchasing items you know you will use or are able to store until you can use them. Now that I have a chest freezer, I can take advantage of more deals, especially when it comes to buying meat.
My husband and I went shopping yesterday, which gave me a perfect example. We looked through the sale papers, and three stores in close proximity to each other were having some good sales, so off we went. We were determined to stick to the list and spend only a specific amount. The latter idea didn’t last very long.
One item on our list was ground chuck, which was on sale at the first store for $1.79 per pound for the family pack. Since it has been going for about $2.29 per pound lately, we planned to pick up about six pounds, saving us about $3.00 (six pounds at a savings of 50 cents per pound). When we arrived, we found that the jumbo pack of ground chuck was only $1.59 per pound. We bought the ten-pound jumbo pack, which saved us 70 cents per pound.
Of course, we hadn’t planned to spend nearly $16.00 on ground chuck, but spending the extra $5.00 ended up saving us $7.00. I’ll take that deal any day of the week. We brought the meat home, divided it up into smaller packages, and put it in the freezer.
Don’t you just love getting a great deal?