Yesterday my family went to the apple orchard. We go up to the apple orchard every year. I find it to be one of my favorite fall places to visit. The colors of the trees are beautiful the smell of the apples on the trees is so tempting. Letting the kids run around and pick apples, pose by pumpkins and measure sunflowers is just part of the fun we have spending the afternoon at the orchard. After all the running around we stop by the store for cider slush. This is a great treat since there is no additional sugar added it’s just pure cider and crushed ice. To make up for all the missing sugar and fat burned picking apples we eat apple spice donuts. You can only get these at the apple orchard and it’s a treat we all look forward too.
After that adventure we go home to bake pies. It’s a lovely day. However, it is not day that lends to weight loss. By the time I arrive home I have already consumed one cider slush and one to two donuts. Donuts are just terrible for you but I always make exception for the day we visit the apple orchard. I then make exception for the pies I bake along with eating a few extra apple chunks and a bit of flakey crust. All these exceptions and my waist line will get lost. Can I just consider apple pie a health food? What about if the a la mode is fat free?
Confession time…I do not like apple pie. So you know what I do? I eat the crust that is all baked with butter, cinnamon and sugar. I just don’t care for the texture of baked apples. I also love the a la mode part. So, let’s recap. So far I have made exception for two donuts, one slush, flakey crust and ice cream. This did not consider breakfast, lunch or dinner. What’s a dieter to do?
You what you do? You give yourself a break. Now if you are like me, sneaking a bit of food fun in will cause you to consume more than if you just accept the fact that you will eat something fattening. If I allowed myself to eat a donut it would end at one donut. But instead I go the route of hiding it from myself so myself thinks it should just sneak in another one while myself isn’t looking. Is there logic there? Continuing to hide from myself and sneak in a bit of fun I continue to wreck my figure with more fat and calories. Look, this time of year we will spend time baking. We will spend time with traditions that involve food. This is the time to step up your work out a bit and watch what you eat so when those days arrive you won’t wreck your entire plan. Also, allow yourself a treat so you won’t fall into the trap of denying yourself into eating five apple pies. Be wise. Diet smart. Be real.
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