You don’t usually get too much advice about attaching yourself to stuff, at least not good advice. Of course the media is full of messages about how you such love your stuff, at least until new stuff comes along. Then you can love that new stuff until….well, you get the point.
Why would someone who teaches about frugal living be telling you to enjoy your stuff? It is because in loving the stuff you have you will actually be more satisfied and spend less.
Here is a good example from my own childhood. Growing up, I had a few precious toys that I loved. These toys were so special to me. I knew where each one was at all times and took good care of them. But many kids today, my own included, are so overwhelmed with toys that they hardly even know all of the things that they do have. When a toy breaks, they usually expect it to be replaced right away. And while I think it is wonderful that children can be so loved and so blessed, I think they, and us as adults, get a little too casual with our things. We get too bored with our stuff.
By enjoying your stuff, you can appreciate what you already have. You don’t need the next best thing, and your home can be a restful place filled with things that are really important to you. You can be in awe of the little things. Even the kitchen broom in our home can be honored because it helps us keep a nice house. It belongs to us. I don’t need a fancier one, and I am more apt to repair it until it can’t be repaired any longer.
The other side of enjoying your stuff is that you often want others to enjoy it too. This makes it actually easier to be generous. I might see that someone else needs our broom more than we do, or better yet, I might take mine over and do a little sweeping and fellowship at the same time.
While I don’t expect you to be knocking on people’s doors and offering your broom, I think you can see what I am getting at. Appreciate the little things that you have and use them. Take care of them. Share them, and enjoy them.
How Too Much Stuff Can Get You in a Financial Bind
Life Skills that Will Help You Save Money
Things I Won’t Do to Be Frugal