NBC’s “Today” show, “Live with Regis and Kelly,” as well as a number of other televised talk shows traditionally host costume contests on Halloween. If you live in the New York area or are willing to drive to the show’s studios (typically located in major metropolitan areas), then you can show off your craziest Halloween costume in front of millions of people. I don’t live any where near New York or Los Angeles and I am not very creative when it comes to holiday getups, but I love to watch others strut their stuff in their homemade Halloween creations.
I appreciate the funny costumes that have relatable themes. However, some of the most popular costumes of any given year are tasteless and controversial. For example, in 2005, one of the most talked about Halloween costumes was Hurricane Katrina. Some people actually dressed up as the killer storm with debris and household items glued to the exterior of their swirling wind getup. Not so funny.
I tend to chuckle at unique costumes that required the wearer to exercise some thought in the construction process. For example, I always smile when I see what some people can do with a simple cardboard box. I’ve seen x-ray machine, washing machine, dishwasher and shower stall costumes made from large boxes.
Other funny costumes include putting masking tape on an old sweatshirt and carry a boxing glove to be a “punch line.” It’s cheap, easy and will elicit at least a few grins. I also love the group costumes where people dress up like food. Sushi costumes have been popular in the last few years along with wasabi and soy sauce. I know some guys from our neighborhood who dressed up as a six-pack of beer a few Halloweens ago.
In college there were a number of students who tried to get clever with their costumes by taking popular characters and adding a twist to them, such as Rudolph with rabies, a “bloody” Virgin Mary, an electrocuted power line worker, and a grandma who got run over by a reindeer, complete with hoof prints on her dress and face.
What’s the weirdest Halloween costume you’ve ever seen?
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