We all need reminders about what’s most important in life. Recently someone forwarded me a cute little email with the Charlie Brown philosophy.
As you scroll down through the email it asks you to name various people, like the five wealthiest people in the world. Hands up anyone who has a clue. For sure I didn’t and what is more didn’t care.
Then it asked you to name the last Heisman trophy winners. For starters I didn’t even know what the Heisman trophy was. So if you do you’re ahead of me. And I knew I wouldn’t have a clue who won the last Miss America pageants or Miss Australia for that matter either.
Name ten people who had won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize. Okay I had more hope on this one, though I managed more with the Pulitzer because it concerns writing. Academy award winners I might know some but probably not the more recent ones. And so it went one. The point was the majority of us don’t remember the people who made headlines in the world, even though they might be the best on their particular fields.
The second part of the email focused on people who had helped you, teachers at school, friends who helped in a rough time, those who taught you something or who made you feel appreciated and special or that you enjoy spending time with.
The people who make a difference in our lives are not the rich and famous and well credentialed but those who care the most. Relationships are most important in life.
The other things all fade or disappear. Relationships are what matter and especially the marriage relationship, which is why we should be doing all we can to build it up, protect it and nurture it.
When it comes to achievements, Mick’s and mine would be having a long happy marriage still enjoying being together, and raising two children who are happily married and raising their own families in an attitude of love and cooperation.
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