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Going Trick Or Treating

Jessie’s almost three and we’ve celebrated three Halloweens with her. I love Halloween. I love the costumes and the decorations. I love the pumpkins and the excitement. I do not, however, like anything about haunted houses or life-size spooky looking things. I have an attic with boxes filled with the cutest Halloween decorations too. Maybe next year I’ll be in the mood to get them down and Jessie can help adorn the house.

Jessie was Tinkerbell for her first Halloween. I got her costume at Once Upon a Child. She was the cutest fairy. I put a shirt underneath, tights, Baby’s First Halloween socks, and adorable silver shoes. She was precious. She didn’t trick or treat so much as visit. She was too little to understand anything that was going on. I strapped her into her stroller and walked up and down our street showing her off to the neighbors. After doing the neighborhood we went to the event at the Baptist church. Jessie had fun even if she couldn’t play the games. After the church party we all went trick-or-treating at the fire station.

Jessie was a flower fairy for her second Halloween. It was a pretty tired looking costume that I got at Once Upon a Child. She was so excited to ride in the stroller then get out to walk up to the doors and hold out her pail for candy. She couldn’t say, “Trick or Treat,” but she was sweet and had fun.

This year a friend gave me an official Disney Princess costume. Jessie was Snow White. She still didn’t say, “Trick or Treat,” but she managed, “Happy Halloween.” She loved knocking on the neighbors’ doors and walked right in to a few houses. We met more toddlers in the neighborhood to play with later.

How was your toddler’s Halloween? Did you eat her candy?