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Washing Blankets

Washing blankets and quilts can be an interesting exercise. Many washing machines are not designed to take more than one blanket at a time so washing blankets and quilts can be a time consuming process, especially if you or your spouse is one of those people who is a blanket snuggler and likes two or three blankets on top of them at night.

The blanket situation is not such a major hassle in our house. For starters, I have a large washing machine. Secondly, we rarely have a blanket on the bed. In winter we will have a quilt on the bed but the only blanket we actually have on the bed is a summer weight one if it’s too warm for the quilt.

So, if you don’t want to spend ages trying to wash blankets one by one in machine or your quilt what else can you do. A friend says she always washed her blanket or quilts in the bath and knew several other people who did the same. She fills the bath with water and the appropriate amount of sip powered or detergent. Then she hops in the bath barefoot and obviously making sure feet are clean, wanders up and down stomping on the blanket or quilt.

I have to say I’d never have thought of this idea. But she’s found it not only works in cleaning the blanket or quilt but that it is a good form of exercise at the same time. So maybe next time you want to clean your blanket or quilt you might just put it in the bath and literally jump all over it.
Of course it will help if in between time you vacuum your blanket or quilt periodically to get rid of any dust mites etc. This is probably better done on the bed rather than trying to do it any other way. I’d love to hear your suggestions for cleaning blankets and quilts.

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