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Book Review: Amazing Cows!

Amazing Cows
By: Sandra Boynton

Purchase HERE.

I have been a Sandra Boynton fan since I heard of Sandra Boynton. I’ve been a fan of cows all my life. When presented with the opportunity to review her latest book my jaw dropped. Who me? I don’t even like chickens. I stared at my inbox in amazement yet wondering if I had disqualified myself after eating beef the night before. I decided not to let them in on that little tidbit of information. So I gracefully emailed back with an elegant “YES! YES! YES! I WILL REVIEW AMAZING COWS! WHEN DO I GET IT? HUH? WHEN?” I didn’t want to appear too anxious so gave up on the idea of picking the book up in person at Workman Publishing.

Finally the most anticipated moment of the afternoon came! The FEDEX guy handed me a package! Ironically he resembled a cow.

I pushed the kids aside and torn into my package. I dropped to my knees and hung my head in sorrow. It wasn’t Amazing Cows. It was…well…who cares what it was.

Later that day the UPS guy (who ironically resembled a chicken) delivered Amazing Cows. My day turned around and I sat with a cup a tea to read Amazing Cows. That was a mistake. Have you laughed tea out of your nose before? Quite painful. Please take caution when reading this book as laughter may cause jerking motions that could result in injury.

Midway through the book I came across one of my favorite pages:

I love finding hidden pictures. The fascination started as a child when once I thought I saw Abraham Lincoln peeking behind a tree in a Mother Goose book. So I sat and counted all the cows I could find. I then looked for the answer. VICTORY! I ran up the stairs grabbed the kids and challenged them to find all the cows. They each spent a few minutes or so diligently looking for cows. My daughter lifted her head and asked, “so how many are there?” Triumphantly, I announced, “No answer is given!” I got a good laugh out of that.

My next favorite thing was the Cow Story, “Red Rover”. I won’t spoil it for you but be sure to swallow and sit down before reading. And never let anyone convince you it is a good idea to name over half a herd the same thing.

This is one book that every member of my family enjoyed and we can’t even agree on which color beige to paint our living room. We even agree that we have no idea what the book is about or the point of it. I think this book brought our family closer together better than watching an episode of Dr. Phil.

I found out an interesting fact about Sandra Boynton. Are you sitting down? She wishes she could tap dance! I tap danced when I was a kid, maybe I could offer her lessons.

Oh and she also has written over 40 bestselling books for children. She even drew the pictures. I think all her books have passed through my home at one point or another.