Quite some time ago I told of how I injured my knee. To recap, I was in a minor car accident where my knee hit the dashboard with a decent amount of force. Due to this I had great difficulty walking much less keeping up on any type of physical exercise routine. The stairs proved to be quite painful. I had to spend hours a day with my leg propped and iced. I was told it would take at least 8 weeks to heal. I honestly could not imagine my knee every returning to normal. That is the small and narrow view of one who is injured. My injury was not on a grand scale or debilitating. It certainly was nothing to complain about and should be thought of as “thank goodness that is all that happened.” Yet when you are the one with even a minor injury that affects your daily life it feels big.
As the time passed I felt mild improvement. Now, I can walk up and down steps with no pain or feeling that my knee will give out. I no longer have to wear a brace on a regular basis or ice my knee. Every now and then if I sit for too long and get up my knee has trouble adjusting. If I push a heavy cart at the grocery store and it stresses my knee, it will hurt for some time. I still cannot kneel for long or get on the floor and get back up again without a struggle. Yet, the improvement so far is much appreciated since I now can get back to working out. No more excuses for taking it easy or not working out as my knee would benefit from strength exercises and so would the rest of my body. Sadly I also had to give up my kids doing the laundry since mom can bring laundry baskets up and down steps again.
So, here’s to a new year with an improved knee ready to get moving again! Join me!