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Putting Your Marriage on Hold

Are you guilty of putting your marriage on hold? Are the choices you are making hindering your marriage?

In so many cases couples seem to think their marriage is something that can pick up and it will be there when they want it. Instead of taking time to make it the best marriage it can be, time is invested into work and career options, or into being a success in the work place instead. After all, your spouse will still be there at the end of the day. But will they?

Sometimes it seems to me that if couples poured as much as energy into their marriage as they do into their career, buying a house and getting into the housing market, then marriages would be in a better way and less divorce would be occurring. Often even a demanding social life takes precedence over their marriage. Couples are so busy out being seen at places and interacting with others or going to the latest event that they don’t actually have time for each other and their marriage.
One couple was heard to say recently that they were looking forward to the holidays, so they could spend time together. Unfortunately spending time together did not mean sitting down and talking and relaxing but being out all the time ‘doing stuff.’

Another couple is content to have the husband away five days out of seven so they can get ahead and save to buy a house. But what about their marriage in the meantime? What is it doing to it? When we moved to Orange some couples tried to do that and the husband was away five days out of seven. What invariably happened was the marriages broke up. The strain of being apart and spending so little time together and so little sharing of love, affection and everyday events soon took it s toll. The reality is you simply can’t put your marriage on hold.

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