This week in Preschool, my daughter learned all about safety. I’ve always wondered when is too young to start talking about strangers, without worrying your child about things that they should not worry about. But, by the time they enter preschool, I think they should definitely know about strangers, and other things to be safe about.
Her teacher asked all the parents to help their child memorize their address and phone number. I thought this was a great idea! Mainly because I have been trying to teach her for a few months now, but we were kind of lazy about it, and this gave us all an excuse to work hard on it. In just a day and a half or so, she learned the phone number and address.
I have a funny story to share too. While we were working on it, she had just finished reciting it perfectly. I exclaimed, “Wow! That was awesome! How did you do that?” She replied, “I just used my loodle”. I said, “Your what?” She replied, “My LOODLE!” I had her repeat the word a few times because I still wasn’t getting it. She finally said, “It’s something you eat. Ms. J always calls her brain, her loodle!” Then I got it. She meant, her NOODLE!
Children are so sweet and innocent at this age, but they are smart too. There is no reason why we should not be teaching them about how to be safe. When my daughter came home today, she had a badge that said, “I’m A Safe Kid!” Attached to it were all the things that she learned about safety this week. They included:
*Never play with matches
*Never run in the street
*Never open the door to strangers
*Never talk to “Don’t Knows”
*Always wear a helmet
She was so proud to tell me how she recited her address and phone number to her class and got two treats for memorizing them. I have to say. I was proud of her too.
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