If last year you found it difficult to locate items, to keep on top of your schedule or to remember appointments then you may be in need of an organizational tune-up. The start of a new year is the perfect time to do this.
There are some items that are must-have’s when it comes to a home business. First and foremost you need a calendar. In my case, I prefer to have more than one.
I keep a calendar on my phone so that if I am ever out and about and I need to check for a conflict, I have one handy. I also keep a spiral bound calendar where I write everything in pencil. This is my personal hard copy. Then I have a family calendar which we write on with erasable markers. It is kept in a central location of the house, the kitchen.
Scrap paper, notebooks, post-it notes or journals is another must-have. You need something to write down notes on, keep track of your to-do-lists or as reminders to be posted up in the house or at your desk.
A filing system is another must-have. It could be binders, file folders or something you utilize online. Paper piles are nothing but an eye sore and a sure way to forget something important. Be sure to also have labeling supplies available such as markers and sticky labels. You might spend an entire afternoon finally getting through that paper pile.
Since every home business is different, you will need a unique set of tools. These tools should be handy and kept nearby. For instance if you are a baker that may mean a set of measuring cups, rolling pin and parchment paper. As a writer it may mean a dictionary, pens and paper. For an accountant it could mean a calculator. I think you get the idea.
Having a calendar, paper, a filing system and the right tools are a great way to get organized in your home business this year.
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