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Top 10 Ways to Tell Your Man, “I Love You”

Last night over dinner I asked my husband to list the top ten ways a wife can show her husband that she loves him. I was blessed by a few of the answers and I saw some areas that I need to work on. I’d like to share the list with you now.

1) Make love

2) Make love

3) Make love (He wanted to say this for 4 and 5 also!)

4) Have the house straightened up when he gets home from work. He said that he didn’t care if it is messy all day long, but that he enjoys coming home to a nice house.

5)Unity- He says that a man wants to know that his wife is unified with him. If we are reaching out to somebody, he wants to know that I am carrying them on my heart and praying for them.

6) Makes spending time with him a priority- My husband says that he feels loved when I stop what I am doing and come to bed early so that we can read together.

7) Respect- He said, “In private she is honest about his faults, but in public she is encouraging about his strengths.”

8) She is wise with the money.

9)When he gives the family direction, she is quick to follow and to get the kids in line with it as well.

10) She takes care of herself and keeps herself looking nice.

Your husband’s list would likely look different than my husband’s. Your situation may be different than ours. I am a stay-at-home mom, so I have the opportunity to straighten up the house before he comes home. Maybe your husband does not enjoy reading but would like for you guys to exercise together.

I feel empowered having this list and knowing what is really important to my husband. I encourage you to ask your husbands to make out a list as well. Instead of always trying to figure out how to make him feel loved, find out what he really wants.