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Lessons in a Grocery Store

I have often joked that a homeschooling mom can make a lesson out of anything including a trip to the grocery store. However, I have yet to write a unit study or article on the subject. So here it is! The grocery store is full of learning experiences for little ones. So here are some ideas to incorporate teaching during your trip to the grocery store. It may make your shopping experience go by quicker and who doesn’t need that?


Colors: As you go through the produce section ask your child the colors of the items.

Math: As you place your apples in a bag, count each one while encouraging your child to count with you.

Manners: Use this time to instill proper behavior in a store from volume of voice to how to sit patiently in the cart. Also, please moms, bring your own snacks and do not hand a cashier a half eaten banana to weigh. One, that is technically stealing. Two, that is tacky. It will also teach your child no self control. Simply tell your child that she cannot have it until you pay for it.

Letter Sounds: As you place an item in your cart simply read it to your child. You can point out letters, sound out letter sounds, and have your child repeat it back.

Art: Preschoolers are most likely still sitting in a cart. Provide your child with a notebook and few crayons. Ask your child to draw an apple, banana or whatever catches her interest. Chances are your little artist will not win any awards for still life but abstract art is fun also. Besides, this is a nice chance to encourage color lessons.


Rebus Grocery List: This is a fun way to incorporate your child and get the shopping done quicker. Print up or draw a grocery list for your child to follow.

Math: To add in some math lessons you can have your child count items, count money, or be your timekeeper.

Reading Skills: Challenge your child to read as many of the labels as she can. Have her point out certain letters on labels or simply tell you what letter banana starts with and so on.

Nutrition: Children can be picky eaters but sometimes you can tame the picky eater by allowing them a choice. As you go through the produce section explain which are fruits and vegetables or quiz your child. Explain a little about the health benefits and challenge your child to pick out a new fruit or vegetable to try.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.