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A Magic Wand

I had to smile. Mary Ann is advising we don’t need all these gadgets in the kitchen. Yesterday I bought one. It’s one of those hand held wand mixer things.

Last year I went to a conference and the woman was extolling the virtue of her Bamix wand which she assumed everyone had, as they were according to her the most useful tool on the plant. A lot of other women agreed with her.

I’d never seen the point of another gadget until recently when sharing recipes with a friend. She mentioned her wand using it in a mayo recipe. It sounded so much easier just to be able to make it on the jar the mayo was going to go in, instead of having to set up the blender/food processor and then scrape it all out of the blender into a jar, in the process leaving some of it behind. That’s when I made up my mind I needed one of these gadgets.

So off to the shop yesterday to buy one and it got its first use last night. What a revelation!
I was making a curry from a new recipe. And yes I will share that recipe with you when I have adjusted it a little. For the moment, though it has a lovely taste, it needs a bit of tweaking to get the right consistency and the right level of hotness. Last night’s effort was a tad hot and definitely too runny, but good nevertheless and certainly a filling meal.

But back to the wand mixer. It was so effective, easy and quick and it did the job in less than a few seconds, blending the ingredients for the sauce up beautifully. I think I may just end up like my friend getting rid of all the other appliances and only keeping this one. That’s a thought. It would certainly create more room in the kitchen cupboards and that’s always got to be a good thing.

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