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Avoid Feeling Deprived

piggy The best way to save money is to set it aside and not spend it. That’s a simple thing, right? Not too hard to figure out? But sometimes when we want to save money, we must do without some of our little personal favorite things in order to have money left over to save. It might be that special body lotion we love, or our favorite snack items, or a date night. We may have to sacrifice in order to create money for our future, and while that is noble and good, we are human. And humans feel deprived when they aren’t given treats once in a while.

So how do we set aside money for savings while at the same time, not hating every minute of it?

Let’s say you spend twenty dollars a week on something you really enjoy. It could be a favorite snack, movie rentals, scrapbooking supplies , a combination of the above – you name it. That gives you eighty dollars a month you can put into savings. But what if instead of doing totally without those treats, you spend five dollars a week instead? You can still put sixty dollars into savings, and you still have a little something fun to do or watch or otherwise enjoy.

Another idea is to find a picture that symbolizes what you’re trying to achieve. Are you saving up for a house? Find a picture of your dream house and hang it up where you’ll see it often. Look at the picture whenever you start to feel picked on, and remember what you’re doing all this for. If you’ve given up a favorite snack in order to save for a house, put the picture of the house on the cupboard door where you used to keep the snack. And remember the old adage, “Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.” The house will mean so much more to you when you’ve worked hard to save up for it.

If you’ve given up date nights, plan cheaper dates at home. Put the kids to bed early and make dinner with items already in your kitchen, but serve it by candlelight. Spend time snuggling and talking with each other. I think most couples would rather spend a quiet evening really communicating than in a loud, expensive restaurant, anyway.

The whole idea is to find balance, and to find ways to keep yourself motivated to save while not feeling as though life has suddenly become deadly dull. The balance is there—you can find it. Get creative and see where it takes you!

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