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Fresh Mozzarella and Tomato Baguette

The other night when my husband and I went to Corner Bakery for dinner (date night-woohoo!) he ordered this sandwich. It was absolutely delicious. The combination of fresh ingredients was crispy yet creamy, and it melted in my mouth.

I’ve tried to recreate it here for you. Make sure you use fresh mozzarella cheese for this sandwich. It can be found in any grocery store these days, often in the gourmet cheese section. It comes packed in water. You don’t want to get the hard mozzarella for this recipe (the kind that is used for String Cheese) because it’s too hard and the flavors are not the same.

For this recipe you’ll need:

One ciabatta baguette (about 8 in. long). – If you can’t find ciabatta, you may substitute another baguette or sub roll of your choice. Try to find one that is slightly crunchy on top if you can because the texture is nicer for this sandwich.

1 package fresh mozzarella cheese. Depending on how large the mozzarella balls are (sometimes the package comes with one large ball. If you can find that kind, buy it. Otherwise, they sometimes come with several smaller balls, which is fine as well), you should have enough mozzarella in one package to make two sandwiches.

1 roma tomato

1 roasted red pepper (I suggest buying the jarred ones, chopping it up into strips and using about ¼ cup).

Sprinkle of salt

1 TB Red Wine Vinegar or Balsamic Vinegar

To Make This Sandwich:

Cut the baguette in half lengthwise.

Drizzle ½ TB vinegar on each half of bread.

Cut mozzarella into ¼ -1/2 inch slices and place on bottom half of bread.

Top mozzarella with tomato and red pepper. Add salt

Top sandwich with top bun and cut in half diagonally.



You want the mozzarella to be thick for this recipe. The tomatoes should not overpower the cheese.

If you’d like, add more vinegar. The tang with the mozzarella is delicious.

If you’re serving this sandwich later, I’d wait to add the vinegar until you’re ready to serve it.