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Toys Can Be Family Treasures

Throughout the generations, there are some things that have remained constant. One of these things is that children enjoy playing with toys. Sure, the toys have changed over the years, but wherever there is a child there are likely to be at least a few toys around.

Despite the fact that toys are often well-worn and well-loved by the time a child outgrows them, they are often handed down for younger siblings or cousins to enjoy. Sometimes, parents even keep a few of their children’s toys around the house so that when grandchildren come along, they can enjoy them too. Some families even have heirloom toys that have been passed down through quite a few generations.

The reason that I am all of a sudden thinking about how toys can become treasured family heirlooms is that I took my son to visit my parents this past weekend. When I packed our bags for the overnight trip, I was careful to include plenty of diapers and clothes for him as well as a bunch of toys. Once we arrived, though, I realized that I had over packed.

My parents had not gone on a shopping spree and filled their home with new toys for their grandson. There were already plenty of interesting toys there for him to play with – my old toys and books. Of course, since he is fifteen months old, the house itself is far more entertaining to him than any toy. I had not realized that my parents had held on to some of those toys, and I think that it is great. Whenever we go to visit, there will be toys to play with. As my son grows, I can tell him the history of the toys – where and when I got them, which are my favorites, etc. I may even be able to show him pictures of myself playing with those toys.

After thinking about this subject for a while, I also realized that my parents are not the only people in the family who saved some of their children’s toys for the next generation. I can distinctly remember visiting my maternal grandmother’s house and playing with my mother’s old toys. She had a set of Tinker toys, and also Lincoln Logs and I loved to play with them whenever we went for a visit. When I returned home, I saw the toys in my son’s playroom in a whole new way. I am sure that we will not save most of his toys – he has so many. We will certainly keep a few toys and books though, so that some day he might show his son what his favorite bedtime story or stuffed animal was.