It seems as though most, if not all, states have laws that require all drivers to have a certain amount of automobile insurance. Even if your state doesn’t happen to require that you purchase car insurance, it is easy to see why it might be a good idea to have this kind of insurance anyway, for your own protection. However, this does not mean that you necessarily are going to need each and every possible add-on to your car insurance that happens to exist.
In general, the more things you add on to your automobile insurance, the higher your monthly premiums will be. You might be able to pay a little less money if you cut out some of the additional things that have been added to your car insurance policy that are not as necessary to have. In general, there are three things that every automobile insurance policy absolutely should have: liability, comprehensive, and collision insurance. Anything beyond that might be something to consider skipping.
How often do you find yourself needing to rent a vehicle? The last time I rented a car was about five years ago, when my husband and I were making a gigantic move from the midwestern United States to central California. We haven’t had any need to rent a car since then. If you are like me, then you probably don’t need to add car rental insurance to your existing auto insurance policy. Why pay monthly for something you don’t have any plans to use? Your auto insurance might automatically come with a small amount of coverage for a rental car, in case of an accident.
What if you get into a car accident that requires your car to spend a lot of time in a garage for repairs? You may need to rent a car then. If it isn’t covered by your car insurance, you can rent the car with your credit card, which might provide you with some coverage. Make sure you check out those details with your credit card company, to find out exactly what you have.
It is possible that you might not need to have emergency assistance added to your car insurance policy. Do you belong to AAA? Does your vehicle come with OnStar? If so, then you are already covered in case your car breaks down on the highway, and needs to be towed. Personally, this is something that I cannot afford to drop from my auto insurance, because I don’t have AAA or OnStar. But, if you have either one of those programs, then there is no need for you to double that coverage by adding it to your car insurance.
These are just a few ideas about how to save some money on your car insurance premiums. It is a good idea to make sure that you know, for certain, that you have adequate coverage from some other means before you drop something from your car insurance policy. If you do, then there isn’t any good reason to pay twice for the same thing.
Image by superstrikertwo on Flickr