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Keeping Clutter Out of Your Home

Spring is a great time to start thinking about keeping the clutter out of your home. Most likely, you will be tossing some things as you clean, but once your house is in order, how can you prevent the clutter from coming back? Try these tips.

Giving Everything a Place

Before anything new comes into your home, whether it is a piece of mail or an entire sofa, it should already have a designated place to go. If you can’t figure out where to put something before it leaves the store, then really examine whether you really need it or not.

Filling to the Space

Only fill things to the space and not beyond. For example, if you have a shelf where magazines go, then you shouldn’t bring in more magazines than will fit in that space. if new magazines come in, then old ones must go out. That is just the way it is. This idea of keeping everything to the containers or system that you already put into place will go a long way in keeping the clutter out of your home.

Cut Yourself Some Slack

Most people will go crazy if there are too many clutter rules, so it is okay to cut yourself some slack. Just keep things in perspective. For example, it is okay to dump your keys on a hall table or your coat over the back of a particular chair, as long as that is the only designated clutter spot and the dumping is temporary.

Borrow Instead of Buy

To avoid having to store stuff, see if you can borrow it instead of buying it. For example, I used to be a book hound, but now I use the library and keep only my favorite books that I read over and over again. If I do happen to pick up two or three books at a yard sale or library sale, I’ll read them and then passed on to someone else (one in, one out).

Other things can be borrowed (or rented) as well, from a power tool to a ball gown.

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com