Endometriosis is a condition that results when the lining of the uterus, which is usually shed during menstruation, travels to the outside of the uterus and surrounding organs and tissues of the pelvis. The condition is painful and can result in infertility.
There are some common treatments for endometriosis. Laparoscopy is used with a laser to cauterize the endometrial tissue, which can improve the physical symptoms and preserve fertility. Other treatments include the use of birth control pills to minimize menstrual blood flow and control fluctuations in the hormone levels, which are believed to be a possible cause of the disorder.
In addition to medical treatments, there are some natural and non medical methods that can be used to reduce the menstrual pain that is a hallmark of this condition. Dietary changes, such as eliminating caffeine, pork, beef and other foods believed to aggravate the condition and consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables and fish helps some women. Yoga is another natural remedy that can offer some relief.
Yoga helps to release tension from the body and offers calming and stress relief benefits that can help to lessen the pain that accompanies menstruation with endometriosis. There are conflicting views regarding yoga practice and menstruation, but the practice does benefit many women.
Perhaps the best balance is to stick to safe poses and take it slow. You want a slow stretch yoga practice, not a power yoga or advanced vinyasa flow class. Listen to your body and note any discomfort.
There are several poses that can benefit women suffering with endometriosis. Asanas that relax and open the pelvis can help to release the pain from the body. Try bound angle pose and reclined bound angle pose. Back ache is common with endometriosis, so try some backbends to stretch the muscles and release tension. Go with gentle stretches, such as cobra pose.
Adding pranayama breathing exercises and meditation to your yoga practice is helpful for relaxing the body and clearing the mind. Yoga, breathing and meditation are effective for helping the physical symptoms, as well as emotional stress.
Although the exact cause is not known, one theory is that menstrual flow travels backwards into the fallopian tubes and spills out into the abdomen, also known as backflow. For this reason, you should definitely avoid all inversions during this time. This is the general wisdom for all women, but is especially important for women with endometriosis.