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Invest in Flying Cars

Cartoons have come a long way since I was a little girl. Cartoons were on only in the morning before school, afternoon after school, and Saturday morning. I had a preference for the cartoons shown on our local Channel 11 over those shown on local Channel 13.

Two of my favorite cartoons were The Flinstones and The Jetsons. Funny thing was they were basically the same cartoon but one was in the Stone Age and the other in an imaginary futuristic Space Age. The Jetsons were so cool. The house cleaned itself and got everyone up and ready for the day. Rosie the robot did everything for the family.

The Jetsons had flying cars. Can you imagine having a car that flies? I don’t know that I’d want it. I can’t imagine how it would work and how we’d stay safe. I know all these things will be worked out before flying cars actually happen, but I still can’t imagine driving one. Then again, when I was a little girl I could not imagine microwave ovens, fax machines, cell phones, personal computers, DVRs, or self-parking cars.

I read a question about investing and the asker was convinced that flying cars were a sure thing and he should make a lot of money with his investment. While I’m sure there are a lot of people who wish they could go back in time to buy initial stock in Apple or Microsoft, I don’t know if they’d be willing to invest in flying cars. Is there a market for the flying car? Have any sold? Is the company making money?

I’m sure the allure of a fast buck in stocks can be strong, but make sure you’re not throwing your money away. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.