Some people may say that if you are called to a certain calling like Nursery, or Primary, that you may not get that much out of your Sundays. You are too busy teaching others to get anything out of it yourself. I think that is not true though. It is all about what we put into it, and what we want to take away that depends on how much we feel the Spirit.
This past week in Primary, I felt the spirit very strongly. I did not have to do the sharing time. It was one of my counselor’s turns. I was grateful to be able to listen to her teach and watch the kids learn. Of course, we were learning about the Resurrection. She did a great job of teaching them in a way that captured their attention, and I think made them learn!
She started by sharing very simply the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. She showed the children pictures of him in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross. She talked about what it meant to sin and repent. What it meant to be resurrected. The kids were especially attentive.
At the end, she told them there was going to be a quiz to see how well they were listening. She had easter eggs hidden around the room with questions in them. They got to find an egg, and then open it and answer the question inside. They knew all of the answers. Every one.
The spirit testified to me during that simple lesson to the children that Jesus did die for all of us, and was resurrected so that we may all live again. What a precious gift that was. And, those children had to have felt that spirit too, because I know I did. This past Sunday, I was thankful to be in Primary.
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