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Amish Friendship Bread

Sometimes homeschooling has as much to with home as it does schooling. The focus of homeschooling is often on curriculum, lessons, schedules, discipline, and organization. In the midst of the education we must not abandon the home. We are teaching our children about home, friendship, life, family, and love. We need to be purposeful in making a home that is pleasant, a haven and one which is friendly. In this spirit, I wanted a project which was just as much about learning lessons as it is about learning life. Making and distributing Amish Friendship Bread is a delightful way to teach cooking, math, science and love.

Amish Friendship Bread


1 pkg. active dry yeast

1/4 cup warm water

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup white sugar

1 cup warm milk


1. In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm water for about 10 minutes. Stir well.

2. In a plastic or glass bowl, combine 1 cup sifted flour and 1 cup sugar. Mix thoroughly to avoid lumps once milk is added.

3. Slowly stir in warm milk and dissolved yeast mixture. Place mixture in Ziploc bag. The mixture will get nice is bubbly. This will be Day One!

NOTE: Do NOT use a metal bowl or spoon or anything metal when preparing this bread.

Amish Bread Recipe Instructions

Include the instructions when giving the starter bread away.

Day 1 – receive the starter (the recipe for the starter is below)

Day 2 -squish in the bag

Day 3 – squish in the bag

Day 4 – squish in the bag

Day 5 – Add 1 cup each flour, sugar and milk.

Day 6 – squish in the bag

Day 7 – squish in the bag

Day 8 – squish in the bag

Day 9 – squish in the bag

Day 10 – Add 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar and 1 cup milk. Divide into 4 Ziploc bags, with 1 cup each for three friends and 1 cup for yourself. Give friends the instructions for Day 1 through Day 10 and the following recipe for baking the bread.

After removing the 3 cups of batter, combine the remaining cup of Amish Friendship Bread starter with the following ingredients in a large bowl:

2/3 cup oil

3 eggs

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

1 to 1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1 cup sugar

2 cups flour

1 1/4 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1. Using a fork beat by hand until well blended.

2. Grease two loaf pans with butter, sprinkle with sugar instead of flour.

3. Bake at 325 degrees F for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Cool 10 minutes.

Fun things to add into your bread during this phase:

dry instant pudding mix, any flavor



chocolate chips

If you want to inspire your children with Amish wisdom here is an Amish Proverbs Copywork on CurrClick. The bread recipe is also included in the copywork book.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.