The origins of this breed may well lie in the remote province of Korat, which is a place of huge granite outcrops, where its coat is the perfect camouflage for its surroundings. It is said that early in the twentieth century, King Rama V named the breed for this specific geographic location. They are, however, extremely rare and highly-prized creatures. This blue cat of Siam (now Thailand) is a very old breed, and the earliest written records are about five hundred years old and can be seen in the Bangkok National Library. They are known as the “Cat Book Poems” and the Korat entry states that “the base of each hair is the color of a cloud” and its green eyes are “like dew when dropped on a lotus.” Many countries have their own “blue cats”, including France and England, and all Korats found in the west today can trace their origins back to imports from Thailand.
These cats are known to bring good luck. Its coat is a symbol of wealth, fertility and abundant harvest. In ancient times, it was customary for a newly married couple to be presented with a Korat on their wedding day, and even today in some of the remoter villages one of these cats is carried in procession to the well where it is sprinkled with water to ensure the rice paddies are filled with rain. (The Korat, most likely, is not too happy about this, but has little to say about it.)
It wasn’t until the 1960s that the breeding of Korats began in the west and the first British Korats were born on Easter Sunday, 1972. Championship status was attained in 1984 although the Korat did not become instantly popular. These cats are beautiful with large luminous green eyes and an adorable heart-shaped face.
Their personalities are unique and can be summed up in the words of one delighted owner who said: “We simply must have another Korat. Nothing else could ever bring the same joy.”
Do YOU own such a beautiful cat? Please share.
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