Housekeeping is not just about cleaning. It is about keeping your home in such a state that you can actually enjoy it. Yet it’s also not about perfection.
So now we are going to tackle the living areas of your home, most times called your living room or family room. This is the part of your house where you gather with loved ones and hang out. Maybe you watch TV, play games or just talk.
What makes a living room or a family room special is when it feels “lived in.” It shouldn’t feel like a museum, where you are afraid to get comfortable or touch anything. Yet it doesn’t have to be so cluttered and unclean that you don’t enjoy being in that room.
One of the things about a living area is that many times it houses items like books, magazines, CDs, DVDs and other items that need their own space. There are so many ways you can allow for these items to be in your living area without it being nothing more than a pile of mess.
Baskets are a great way to keep these types of items organized, yet handy. They are decorative, easily accessible and can hold what you need. Baskets come in all sizes and shapes. Baskets are made of wicker, plastic, mesh, wire and metal. They can be open or you can find ones that have a lid.
The placement of baskets in your living area is important. If you fill your basket with books, then place it alongside your recliner where you do your reading. If you fill your basket with DVDs, then place it next to your television. They look great, keep everything together and can be easily moved.
Once you get those items off the floor, the coffee table or wherever else they end up…you are ready to tackle others areas of your living area. So until next time, I suggest you visit your local Target, Walmart, Pier 1, Michael’s Craft Store or any other similar store that sells baskets.
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Photo by Lokigrl616 in Stockvault